Payment SDK (V3)

Project Repository


composer require yansongda/pay ^3.0.0


Note: The following documentation is written based on the Alipay sandbox environment. If there are any issues, please provide timely feedback!

Configuration File

Assuming there is the following configuration file config/payment.php

 * @desc Payment Configuration File
 * @date 2022/03/11 20:15
return [
    'alipay' => [
        'default' => [
            // Required - Alipay assigned app_id
            'app_id' => '20160909004708941',
            // Required - Application private key (string or path)
            'app_secret_cert' => 'MIIEpAIBAAKCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP4r3m4OUmD/+XDgCg==',
            // Required - Application public key certificate (path)
            'app_public_cert_path' => base_path().'/payment/appCertPublicKey_2016090900470841.crt',
            // Required - Alipay public key certificate (path)
            'alipay_public_cert_path' => base_path().'/payment/alipayCertPublicKey_RSA2.crt',
            // Required - Alipay root certificate (path)
            'alipay_root_cert_path' => base_path().'/payment/alipayRootCert.crt',
            // Optional - Synchronous callback address
            'return_url' => '',
            // Optional - Asynchronous callback address
            'notify_url' => '',
            // Optional - Service provider id in service provider mode, used when mode is Pay::MODE_SERVICE
            'service_provider_id' => '',
            // Optional - Default is normal mode. Options are: MODE_NORMAL, MODE_SANDBOX, MODE_SERVICE
            'mode' => \Yansongda\Pay\Pay::MODE_SANDBOX,
    'wechat' => [
        'default' => [
            // Required - Merchant number, service provider mode is service provider merchant number
            'mch_id' => '',
            // Required - Merchant secret key
            'mch_secret_key' => '',
            // Required - Merchant private key (string or path)
            'mch_secret_cert' => '',
            // Required - Merchant public key certificate path
            'mch_public_cert_path' => '',
            // Required
            'notify_url' => '',
            // Optional - app_id of the public account
            'mp_app_id' => '2016082000291234',
            // Optional - app_id of the mini program
            'mini_app_id' => '',
            // Optional - app_id of the app
            'app_id' => '',
            // Optional - combine app_id
            'combine_app_id' => '',
            // Optional - combine merchant number
            'combine_mch_id' => '',
            // Optional - app_id of the sub public account in service provider mode
            'sub_mp_app_id' => '',
            // Optional - app_id of the sub app in service provider mode
            'sub_app_id' => '',
            // Optional - app_id of the sub mini program in service provider mode
            'sub_mini_app_id' => '',
            // Optional - sub merchant id in service provider mode
            'sub_mch_id' => '',
            // Optional - WeChat public key certificate path, optional. Strongly recommend configuring this parameter in php-fpm mode
            'wechat_public_cert_path' => [
                '45F59D4DABF31918AFCEC556D5D2C6E376675D57' => __DIR__.'/Cert/wechatPublicKey.crt',
            // Optional - Default is normal mode. Options are: MODE_NORMAL, MODE_SERVICE
            'mode' => \Yansongda\Pay\Pay::MODE_SANDBOX,
    'logger' => [
        'enable' => false,
        'file' => runtime_path().'/logs/alipay.log',
        'level' => 'debug', // Suggest adjusting to 'info' in production environment, and 'debug' in development environment
        'type' => 'single', // Optional, available options are daily.
        'max_file' => 30, // Optional, valid when type is daily, default is 30 days
    'http' => [ // Optional
        'timeout' => 5.0,
        'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
        // For more configuration options, please refer to [Guzzle](
    '_force' => true,

Note: The certificate directory is not specified. The above example is placed in the framework's payment directory.

├── payment
│   ├── alipayCertPublicKey_RSA2.crt
│   ├── alipayRootCert.crt
│   └── appCertPublicKey_2016090900470841.crt


Initialize by directly calling the config method

// Get the configuration file config/payment.php
$config = Config::get('payment');

Note: If you are using the Alipay sandbox mode, remember to enable the configuration option 'mode' => \Yansongda\Pay\Pay::MODE_SANDBOX,, which is set to normal mode by default.

Payment (Web)

use support\Request;
use Webman\Config;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

 * @param Request $request
 * @return string
public function payment(Request $request)
    // 1. Get the configuration file config/payment.php
    $config = Config::get('payment');

    // 2. Initialize the configuration

    // 3. Web payment
    $order = [
        'out_trade_no' => time(),
        'total_amount' => '8888.88',
        'subject' => 'webman payment',
        '_method' => 'get' // Use the GET method for redirection
    return Pay::alipay()->web($order)->getBody()->getContents();


Asynchronous Callback

use support\Request;
use Webman\Config;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

 * @desc: Alipay asynchronous notification
 * @param Request $request
 * @return Response
public function alipayNotify(Request $request): Response
    // 1. Get the configuration file config/payment.php
    $config = Config::get('payment');

    // 2. Initialize the configuration

    // 3. Process Alipay callback
    $result = Pay::alipay()->callback($request->post());

    // ===================================================================================================
    // Please judge the trade_status and other logic by yourself. Alipay will only recognize the buyer's successful payment when the transaction notification status is TRADE_SUCCESS or TRADE_FINISHED.
    // 1. The merchant needs to verify whether the out_trade_no in this notification data is the order number created in the merchant system;
    // 2. Determine whether the total_amount is indeed the actual amount of the order (i.e. the amount when the merchant order was created);
    // 3. Verify whether the seller_id (or seller_email) in the notification corresponds to the operator of this order with the out_trade_no;
    // 4. Verify whether app_id is the merchant itself.
    // 5. Other business logic situations
    // ===================================================================================================

    // 5. Process Alipay callback
    return new Response(200, [], 'success');

Note: Do not use the plugin's own return Pay::alipay()->success(); to respond to Alipay callbacks, as it will cause issues with middleware. Therefore, to respond to Alipay, you need to use Webman's response class support\Response;

Synchronous Callback

use support\Request;
use Yansongda\Pay\Pay;

 * @desc: Alipay synchronous notification
 * @param Request $request
 * @return string
public function alipayReturn(Request $request)
    Log::info('Alipay synchronous notification'.json_encode($request->get()));
    return 'success';

Complete Example Code

For More Information

Visit the official documentation at