

Casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control framework that supports multiple access control models for permission management.

Project Address


composer require teamones/casbin

Casbin Official Website

For detailed usage, please refer to the official documentation in Chinese. Here, we will only discuss how to configure and use Casbin in webman.

Directory Structure

├── config                        Configuration directory
│   ├── casbin-restful-model.conf Configuration file for the permission model used
│   ├── casbin.php                Casbin configuration
├── database                      Database files
│   ├── migrations                Migration files
│   │   └── 20210218074218_create_rule_table.php

Database Migration File


use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class CreateRuleTable extends AbstractMigration
     * Change Method.
     * Write your reversible migrations using this method.
     * More information on writing migrations is available here:
     * The following commands can be used in this method and Phinx will
     * automatically reverse them when rolling back:
     *    createTable
     *    renameTable
     *    addColumn
     *    addCustomColumn
     *    renameColumn
     *    addIndex
     *    addForeignKey
     * Any other destructive changes will result in an error when trying to
     * rollback the migration.
     * Remember to call "create()" or "update()" and NOT "save()" when working
     * with the Table class.
    public function change()
        $table = $this->table('rule', ['id' => false, 'primary_key' => ['id'], 'engine' => 'InnoDB', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_general_ci', 'comment' => 'Rule Table']);

        // Add data fields
        $table->addColumn('id', 'integer', ['identity' => true, 'signed' => false, 'limit' => 11, 'comment' => 'Primary Key ID'])
            ->addColumn('ptype', 'char', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 8, 'comment' => 'Rule Type'])
            ->addColumn('v0', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128])
            ->addColumn('v1', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128])
            ->addColumn('v2', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128])
            ->addColumn('v3', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128])
            ->addColumn('v4', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128])
            ->addColumn('v5', 'string', ['default' => '', 'limit' => 128]);

        // Execute creation

Casbin Configuration

Please refer to the official Casbin documentation for the syntax of the permission rule model configuration:


return [
    'default' => [
        'model' => [
            'config_type' => 'file',
            'config_file_path' => config_path() . '/casbin-restful-model.conf', // Configuration file for the permission rule model
            'config_text' => '',
        'adapter' => [
            'type' => 'model', // model or adapter
            'class' => \app\model\Rule::class,
    // You can configure multiple permission models
    'rbac' => [
        'model' => [
            'config_type' => 'file',
            'config_file_path' => config_path() . '/casbin-rbac-model.conf', // Configuration file for the permission rule model
            'config_text' => '',
        'adapter' => [
            'type' => 'model', // model or adapter
            'class' => \app\model\RBACRule::class,


Currently, the composer package is compatible with the think-orm method. For other ORMs, please refer to vendor/teamones/src/adapters/DatabaseAdapter.php.

Then modify the configuration.

return [
    'default' => [
        'model' => [
            'config_type' => 'file',
            'config_file_path' => config_path() . '/casbin-restful-model.conf', // Configuration file for the permission rule model
            'config_text' => '',
        'adapter' => [
            'type' => 'adapter', // Set the type to adapter mode here
            'class' => \app\adapter\DatabaseAdapter::class,

Usage Instructions


# Import
use teamones\casbin\Enforcer;

Two Usage Methods

# 1. Use the default configuration
Enforcer::addPermissionForUser('user1', '/user', 'read');

# 2. Use a custom rbac configuration
Enforcer::instance('rbac')->addPermissionForUser('user1', '/user', 'read');

Introduction to Commonly Used APIs

For more API usages, please refer to the official documentation.

# Add a permission for a user
Enforcer::addPermissionForUser('user1', '/user', 'read');

# Delete a permission for a user
Enforcer::deletePermissionForUser('user1', '/user', 'read');

# Get all permissions for a user

# Add a role for a user
Enforcer::addRoleForUser('user1', 'role1');

# Add a permission for a role
Enforcer::addPermissionForUser('role1', '/user', 'edit');

# Get all roles

# Get all roles for a user

# Get users for a role

# Check if a user belongs to a role
Enforcer::hasRoleForUser('user1', 'role1');

# Delete a role for a user
Enforcer::deleteRoleForUser('user1', 'role1');

# Delete all roles for a user

# Delete a role

# Delete a permission
Enforcer::deletePermission('/user', 'read');

# Delete all permissions for a user or role

# Check permissions and return true or false
Enforcer::enforce("user1", "/user", "edit");