Basic Plugin Generation and Publishing Process


  1. Taking a cross-domain plugin as an example, the plugin is divided into three parts: a cross-domain middleware program file, a middleware configuration file middleware.php, and an Install.php which is automatically generated through a command.
  2. We use a command to package and publish the three files to composer.
  3. When users install the cross-domain plugin using composer, the Install.php in the plugin will copy the cross-domain middleware program file and configuration file to {primary project}/config/plugin for webman to load, thereby automatically configuring the cross-domain middleware file to take effect.
  4. When users remove the plugin using composer, the Install.php will delete the corresponding cross-domain middleware program file and configuration file, achieving automatic plugin uninstallation.


  1. The plugin name consists of two parts, vendor and plugin name, for example, webman/push, which corresponds to the composer package name.
  2. The plugin configuration file is uniformly placed under config/plugin/vendor/plugin name/ (the console command will automatically create the configuration directory). If the plugin does not require configuration, the automatically created configuration directory needs to be deleted.
  3. The plugin configuration directory only supports app.php for main configuration, bootstrap.php for process start configuration, route.php for route configuration, middleware.php for middleware configuration, process.php for custom process configuration, database.php for database configuration, redis.php for redis configuration, and thinkorm.php for thinkorm configuration. These configurations will be automatically recognized by webman.
  4. Plugins use the following method to obtain configuration: config('plugin.vendor.plugin name.config file.specific configuration item');, for example, config('')
  5. If the plugin has its own database configuration, it can be accessed as follows: illuminate/database is Db::connection('plugin.vendor.plugin name.specific connection'), and thinkrom is Db::connect('plugin.vendor.plugin name.specific connection')
  6. If the plugin needs to place business files in the app/ directory, it needs to ensure that there are no conflicts with the user's project and other plugins.
  7. Plugins should try to avoid copying files or directories to the primary project. For example, in addition to the configuration file, the cross-domain plugin's middleware file should be placed under vendor/webman/cros/src and does not need to be copied to the primary project.
  8. It is recommended to use uppercase for plugin namespaces, for example, Webman/Console.


Install the webman/console command line

composer require webman/console

Create a Plugin

Assuming the created plugin is named foo/admin (the name is also the project name to be published by composer, the name needs to be lowercase), execute the command:
php webman plugin:create --name=foo/admin

After creating the plugin, it will generate the directory vendor/foo/admin to store plugin-related files and config/plugin/foo/admin to store plugin-related configurations.

config/plugin/foo/admin supports the following configurations: app.php for main configuration, bootstrap.php for process start configuration, route.php for route configuration, middleware.php for middleware configuration, process.php for custom process configuration, database.php for database configuration, redis.php for redis configuration, and thinkorm.php for thinkorm configuration. The format of the configurations is the same as webman's, and these configurations will be automatically recognized and merged into the configuration.
Use plugin as a prefix for access, for example, config('').

Export the Plugin

After developing the plugin, execute the following command to export the plugin:
php webman plugin:export --name=foo/admin

After exporting, the config/plugin/foo/admin directory will be copied to vendor/foo/admin/src, and an Install.php will be automatically generated. The Install.php is used to perform certain operations when the plugin is automatically installed and uninstalled.
The default operation during installation is to copy the configuration from vendor/foo/admin/src to the config/plugin in the current project.
The removal default operation is to delete the configuration files from the config/plugin in the current project.
You can modify Install.php to perform some custom operations during the installation and uninstallation of the plugin.

Submit the Plugin

  • Assuming you already have a GitHub and Packagist account.
  • Create an admin project on GitHub and upload the code. Suppose the project URL is
  • Go to the address to publish a release, such as v1.0.0.
  • Go to Packagist, click on Submit in the navigation, and submit your GitHub project URL This completes the publication of a plugin.

If there is a conflict when submitting the plugin on Packagist, consider using a different vendor name. For example, change foo/admin to myfoo/admin.

Subsequently, when there are updates to your plugin project code, you need to synchronize the code to GitHub, then go to the address to republish a release, and then click the Update button on the page to update the version.

Add Commands to the Plugin

Sometimes, our plugin needs some custom commands to provide auxiliary functions. For example, after installing the webman/redis-queue plugin, the project will automatically add a redis-queue:consumer command. Users only need to run php webman redis-queue:consumer send-mail to generate a SendMail.php consumer class in the project, which helps with rapid development.

Suppose the foo/admin plugin needs to add a foo-admin:add command, refer to the following steps.

Create a Command

Create a new command file vendor/foo/admin/src/FooAdminAddCommand.php


namespace Foo\Admin;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;

class FooAdminAddCommand extends Command
    protected static $defaultName = 'foo-admin:add';
    protected static $defaultDescription = 'Here is the command description';

     * @return void
    protected function configure()
        $this->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Add name');

     * @param InputInterface $input
     * @param OutputInterface $output
     * @return int
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $name = $input->getArgument('name');
        $output->writeln("Admin add $name");
        return self::SUCCESS;


To avoid command conflicts between plugins, it is recommended to format the command line as vendor-plugin name:specific command, for example, all commands of the foo/admin plugin should have the foo-admin: prefix, for example, foo-admin:add.

Add Configuration

Create a configuration config/plugin/foo/admin/command.php


use Foo\Admin\FooAdminAddCommand;

return [
    // ....more configurations can be added...

command.php is used to configure custom commands for the plugin. Each element in the array corresponds to a command class file, and each class file corresponds to a command. When users run a command line, webman/console will automatically load the custom commands set in command.php for each plugin. For more information related to command lines, please refer to Commands.

Execute Export

Execute the command php webman plugin:export --name=foo/admin to export the plugin and submit it to Packagist. After installing the foo/admin plugin, a foo-admin:add command will be added. Running php webman foo-admin:add jerry will print Admin add jerry.