
Plugins can configure their own databases, for example plugin/foo/config/database.php content as follows

return  [
    'default' => 'mysql',
    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [ // mysql is the connection name
            'driver'      => 'mysql',
            'host'        => '',
            'port'        => 3306,
            'database'    => 'database',
            'username'    => 'username',
            'password'    => 'password',
            'charset'     => 'utf8mb4',
            'collation'   => 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
        'admin' => [ // admin is the connection name
            'driver'      => 'mysql',
            'host'        => '',
            'port'        => 3306,
            'database'    => 'database',
            'username'    => 'username',
            'password'    => 'password',
            'charset'     => 'utf8mb4',
            'collation'   => 'utf8mb4_general_ci',

The reference method is Db::connection('plugin.{plugin}.{connection name}');, for example

use support\Db;

If you want to use the main project database, you can use it directly, for example

use support\Db;
// Assume the main project also configured an admin connection

Configuring the database for the Model

We can create a Base class for the Model, and use $connection to specify the plugin's own database connection, for example


namespace plugin\foo\app\model;

use DateTimeInterface;
use support\Model;

class Base extends Model
     * @var string
    protected $connection = '';

This way, all Models in the plugin inherit from Base and automatically use the plugin's own database.

Reusing the database configuration

Of course, we can reuse the main project's database configuration. If webman-admin is integrated, we can also reuse the webman-admin database configuration, for example


namespace plugin\foo\app\model;

use DateTimeInterface;
use support\Model;

class Base extends Model
     * @var string
    protected $connection = 'plugin.admin.mysql';