
webman/push is a free push service server-side plugin, The client is based on the subscription mode, compatible with pusher, and it has many clients such as JS, Android (java), IOS (swift), IOS (Obj-C), uniapp, .NET, Unity, Flutter, AngularJS, and more. The backend push SDK supports PHP, Node, Ruby, Asp, Java, Python, Go, Swift, and so on. The client-side comes with heartbeat and automatic reconnection after disconnection, making it very easy and stable to use. It is suitable for many instant communication scenarios such as message push, chat, etc.

The plugin comes with a web page JS client push.js and a uniapp client uniapp-push.js, and other language clients can be downloaded at https://pusher.com/docs/channels/channels_libraries/libraries/

The plugin requires webman-framework>=1.2.0


composer require webman/push

Client (Javascript)

Import Javascript client

<script src="/plugin/webman/push/push.js"> </script>

Client usage (public channel)

// Establish a connection
var connection = new Push({
    url: 'ws://', // websocket address
    app_key: '<app_key, obtained in config/plugin/webman/push/app.php>',
    auth: '/plugin/webman/push/auth' // subscription authentication (private channel only)
// Assuming user uid is 1
var uid = 1;
// Browser listens for messages on the user-1 channel, for user with uid 1
var user_channel = connection.subscribe('user-' + uid);

// When the user-1 channel has a message event
user_channel.on('message', function(data) {
    // the message content is in the data
// When the user-1 channel has a friendApply event
user_channel.on('friendApply', function (data) {
    // data contains information about the friend request

// Assuming the group id is 2
var group_id = 2;
// Browser listens for messages on the group-2 channel, for group 2
var group_channel = connection.subscribe('group-' + group_id);
// When group 2 has a message event
group_channel.on('message', function(data) {
    // data contains the message content

In the above example, subscribe is used to subscribe to a channel, message friendApply are events on the channel. The channel and events are arbitrary strings and do not need to be configured on the server in advance.

Server-side Push (PHP)

use Webman\Push\Api;
$api = new Api(
    // Using the config directly in webman to obtain the configuration, if not in a webman environment, the corresponding configuration needs to be manually written
// Push a message event to all clients subscribed to user-1
$api->trigger('user-1', 'message', [
    'from_uid' => 2,
    'content'  => 'Hello, this is the message content'

Private Channels

In the above examples, any user can subscribe to information through Push.js. If the information is sensitive, this is not secure.

webman/push supports subscription to private channels, private channels are channels that start with private-. For example

var connection = new Push({
    url: 'ws://', // websocket address
    app_key: '<app_key>',
    auth: '/plugin/webman/push/auth' // subscription authentication (private channel only)

// Assuming user uid is 1
var uid = 1;
// The browser listens for messages on the private-user-1 private channel
var user_channel = connection.subscribe('private-user-' + uid);

When a client subscribes to a private channel (a channel starting with private-), the browser initiates an ajax authentication request (the ajax address is the address configured in the auth parameter when creating a new Push), where developers can determine if the current user has permission to listen to this channel. This ensures the security of the subscription.

For authentication, refer to the code in config/plugin/webman/push/route.php

Client-side Push

The above examples all involve clients subscribing to a particular channel and the server calling the API to push messages. webman/push also supports clients pushing messages directly.

Client-to-client push only supports private channels (channels starting with private-) and clients can only trigger events starting with client-.

Example of triggering event push from the client side

var user_channel = connection.subscribe('private-user-1');
user_channel.on('client-message', function (data) {
user_channel.trigger('client-message', {form_uid:2, content:"hello"});

The above code pushes data for the client-message event to all clients (except the current client) subscribed to private-user-1 (the pushing client will not receive the data they pushed).


Webhooks are used to receive some events from channels.

Currently, there are mainly two events:

    1. channel_added
      Triggered when a channel goes from having no clients online to having clients online, or in other words, the online event
    1. channel_removed
      Triggered when all clients of a certain channel go offline, or in other words, the offline event

These events are very useful for maintaining user online status.

The webhook address is configured in config/plugin/webman/push/app.php.
The code for receiving and handling webhook events can be found in the logic in config/plugin/webman/push/route.php
Since a brief user offline due to a page refresh shouldn't be counted as offline, webman/push would do a delayed judgment, so online/offline events will have a delay of 1-3 seconds.

WSS Proxy (SSL)

WSS connections cannot be used under HTTPS and require the use of a WSS connection. In this case, Nginx can be used to proxy WSS, with configuration similar to the following:

server {
    # .... other configurations here ...

    location /app/<app_key>
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Note the <app_key> in the above configuration is obtained from config/plugin/webman/push/app.php

After restarting Nginx, connect to the server using the following method

var connection = new Push({
    url: 'wss://example.com',
    app_key: '<app_key, obtained from config/plugin/webman/push/app.php>',
    auth: '/plugin/webman/push/auth' // subscription authentication (private channel only)


  1. The request address starts with wss
  2. Port number is not specified
  3. It is necessary to connect using the domain of the SSL certificate

push-vue.js Usage Instructions

  1. Copy the file push-vue.js to the project directory, for example: src/utils/push-vue.js

  2. Import it in the vue page

    import { Push } from '../utils/push-vue'

Other Client Addresses

webman/push is compatible with pusher, and the addresses for other language clients (Java, Swift, .NET, Objective-C, Unity, Flutter, Android, IOS, AngularJS, etc.) can be downloaded at: