Automatic Error Code Generator


This component is able to automatically generate error codes based on given rules.

The "code" parameter in the returned data is conventionally used, where all custom codes are positive numbers representing a functioning service, while negative numbers represent a service exception.

Project Repository


composer require teamones/response-code-msg


Empty ErrorCode Class File

  • File path: ./support/ErrorCode.php
 * Automatically generated file, please do not modify manually.
 * @Author:$Id$
namespace support;

class ErrorCode

Configuration File

The error codes will be automatically generated based on the following configuration parameters. For example, if the system_number is 201 and the start_min_number is 10000, the first generated error code will be -20110001.

  • File path: ./config/error_code.php

return [
    "class" => new \support\ErrorCode(), // ErrorCode class file
    "root_path" => app_path(), // Current code root directory
    "system_number" => 201, // System identifier
    "start_min_number" => 10000 // Error code range (e.g. 10000-99999)

Add Auto-generate Error Code Code in start.php

  • File path: ./start.php
// Place it after Config::load(config_path(), ['route', 'container']);

// Generate error codes, only in APP_DEBUG mode
if (config("app.debug")) {
    $errorCodeConfig = config('error_code');
    (new \teamones\responseCodeMsg\Generate($errorCodeConfig))->run();

Usage in Code

In the following code, ErrorCode::ModelAddOptionsError is the error code, where ModelAddOptionsError needs to be written by the user based on the semantic meaning with capitalization for the first letter.

After writing, you will find that it cannot be used. It will be generated after the next restart. Note that sometimes it needs to be restarted twice.

 * Navigation-related operation service class

namespace app\service;

use app\model\Demo as DemoModel;

// Import ErrorCode class file
use support\ErrorCode;

class Demo
     * Add
     * @param $data
     * @return array|mixed
     * @throws \exception
    public function add($data): array
        try {
            $demo = new DemoModel();
            foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                $demo->$key = $value;


            return $demo->getData();
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // Output error message
            throw_http_exception($e->getMessage(), ErrorCode::ModelAddOptionsError);
        return [];

Generated ./support/ErrorCode.php File

 * Automatically generated file, please do not modify manually.
 * @Author:$Id$
namespace support;

class ErrorCode
    const LoginNameOrPasswordError = -20110001;
    const UserNotExist = -20110002;
    const TokenNotExist = -20110003;
    const InvalidToken = -20110004;
    const ExpireToken = -20110005;
    const WrongToken = -20110006;
    const ClientIpNotEqual = -20110007;
    const TokenRecordNotFound = -20110008;
    const ModelAddUserError = -20110009;
    const NoInfoToModify = -20110010;
    const OnlyAdminPasswordCanBeModified = -20110011;
    const AdminAccountCannotBeDeleted = -20110012;
    const DbNotExist = -20110013;
    const ModelAddOptionsError = -20110014;
    const UnableToDeleteSystemConfig = -20110015;
    const ConfigParamKeyRequired = -20110016;
    const ExpiryCanNotGreaterThan7days = -20110017;
    const GetPresignedPutObjectUrlError = -20110018;
    const ObjectStorageConfigNotExist = -20110019;
    const UpdateNavIndexSortError = -20110020;
    const TagNameAttNotExist = -20110021;
    const ModelUpdateOptionsError = -20110022;