Phar Packaging

Phar is a kind of packaging file in PHP similar to JAR. You can use Phar to package your webman project into a single Phar file for easy deployment.

Very grateful to fuzqing for the PR.

You need to disable the phar configuration option in php.ini, by setting phar.readonly = 0.

Install Command Line Tool

Run composer require webman/console to install the command line tool.

Configuration Settings

Open the config/plugin/webman/console/app.php file and set 'exclude_pattern' => '#^(?!.*(composer.json|/.github/|/.idea/|/.git/|/.setting/|/runtime/|/vendor-bin/|/build/|vendor/webman/admin))(.*)$#'. This is used to exclude some unnecessary directories and files when packaging, to avoid excessive package size.


Execute the command php webman phar:pack in the root directory of the webman project. This will generate a webman.phar file in the build directory.

Packaging related configurations are in config/plugin/webman/console/app.php.

Start and Stop Commands

php webman.phar start or php webman.phar start -d

php webman.phar stop

Check Status
php webman.phar status

Check Connection Status
php webman.phar connections

php webman.phar restart or php webman.phar restart -d


  • Running webman.phar will generate a runtime directory in the same directory as webman.phar, used for storing temporary files such as logs.

  • If your project uses an .env file, you need to place the .env file in the same directory as webman.phar.

  • If your business needs to upload files to the public directory, you need to separate the public directory and place it in the same directory as webman.phar. In this case, you need to configure config/app.php.

    'public_path' => base_path(false) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public',

    The business can use the helper function public_path() to find the actual location of the public directory.

  • webman.phar does not support custom processes on Windows.